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Cotton dress socks with silver

  • Anti-bacterial & Odor-eliminating

  • Active silver prevents eczemas and mycoses

  • Breathable material ensures all-day freshness

  • Improved blood flow prevents cold feet

  • 24-month guarantee

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10.9 € 9.0 € without VAT
10.9 €
Product code: 44
Warranty: 24 months
Description and parameters Reviews(6)
Cotton dress socks with silver
Cotton dress socks…
10.9 €

Product description

Traditional socks for daily use casual or formal. The sock cuff is wider than normal which ensures good grip without restricting circulation or cause discomfort.

The unique properties of nanosilver socks

  • restrict growth of a wide spectrum of bacteria
  • absorb sweat, kill bacteria and eliminate feet odour even after a whole day of wearing
  • prevent mycoses and eczemas and help in their treatment
  • are non-toxic and do not cause allergic reactions
  • speed up the process of healing of small wounds and cuts
  • improve blood circulation in legs and prevent cold feet
  • are breathable, flexible and anatomically designed
  • thickened sole ensured durability and comfort
A necessary part of any attire, casual or formal, especially for managers or office workers who keep their feet in closed shoes for a whole day, people whose feet sweat a lot or are prone to infections or suffer from bad circulation.

Who are nanosilver socks suitable for?

  • an intrinsic part of a dress
  • perfect solution for people wearing closed footwear for a whole day, builders, any manual workers wearing heavy protective boots
  • suitable as a part of uniform for soldiers, policemen and other proffessionals
  • a relief to all fishermen and farmers who wear wellingtons frequently
  • a great treat to office workers and managers.
  • Just great for anyone whose feet sweat and produce unpleasant odour. Nanosilver socks and their great properties and good quality have been appreciated by many customers and you will enjoy them equally as well. For a weeks hiking tour you will not need more than two pairs of socks, or when you travel on the train or plane  you will be able to take your shoes off with confidence that they will be odourless.


  • 71% BIO cotton
  • 17% polyester (antibacterial fiber nanosilver®)
  • 10% poylamid
  • 2%   elastane (Lycra®

Katoenen nette sokken met zilver

De Cotton Dress Socks met Silver Gen 2 zijn ontworpen voor zowel professioneel als dagelijks gebruik, met ongeëvenaard comfort en geavanceerde functionaliteit. Geïnfuseerd met zilvermoleculen, elimineren deze antibacteriële sokken effectief geurveroorzakende bacteriën, waardoor je voeten de hele dag fris blijven. Gemaakt van ademend katoen, zorgen ze ervoor dat je voeten droog en comfortabel blijven. Ze verbeteren de bloedcirculatie, voorkomen koude voeten en helpen schimmelinfecties en eczeem te behandelen en te voorkomen. De sokken zijn niet-toxisch en veroorzaken geen allergische reacties, waardoor ze veilig zijn voor alle huidtypes. Verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren en maten van S tot XL.

Bomullsstrumpor med silver

Cotton Dress Socks med Silver Gen 2 är designade för både professionellt och vardagligt bruk, och erbjuder oöverträffad komfort och avancerad funktionalitet. Infunderade med silvermolekyler eliminerar dessa antibakteriella strumpor effektivt luktframkallande bakterier, håller dina fötter fräscha hela dagen. Tillverkade av andningsbar bomull, säkerställer de att dina fötter förblir torra och bekväma. De förbättrar blodcirkulationen, förhindrar kalla fötter och hjälper till att behandla och förebygga svampinfektioner och eksem. Strumporna är giftfria och orsakar inga allergiska reaktioner, vilket gör dem säkra för alla hudtyper. Finns i olika färger och storlekar från S till XL.

Puuvillased ülikonnasokid hõbedaga

Cotton Dress Socks Silver Gen 2 on mõeldud nii professionaalseks kui ka igapäevaseks kandmiseks, pakkudes ületamatut mugavust ja kõrgtehnoloogilist funktsionaalsust. Hõbemolekulidega immutatud antibakteriaalsed sokid kõrvaldavad tõhusalt lõhna tekitavad bakterid, hoides jalad kogu päeva värsked. Valmistatud hingavast puuvillast, tagavad need sokid, et jalad püsivad kuivad ja mugavad. Need parandavad vereringet, ennetavad külmi jalgu ja aitavad seeninfektsioonide ja ekseemi ravimisel ja ennetamisel. Sokid on mittetoksilised ja ei põhjusta allergilisi reaktsioone, muutes need ohutuks kõigile nahatüüpidele. Saadaval erinevates värvitoonides ja suurustes S kuni XL.

The product is included in categories

Doporučené Socks with silver Dress Work Formal wear Premium Golf Administration/Management Healthcare

Customer reviews

  • Customer support 22. 05. 2019

    Dear Larry, we sent you e-mail with procedure how to compare EU and US size standards. Believe that it was helpful message to you.

    nanosilver team

    Show answer
  • L
    Larry 15. 05. 2019

    Can you give me the U.S. measurements for the socks? Are they the same for male or female?

  • V
    Vasek 100% 06. 04. 2018

    Simple socks, my favorite is the blue variant
    Fulfils what is promised
    Useable several days in a row

    Hard approved!

  • J
    Jamal 16. 05. 2017

    Hello nanosilver,
    I´m very satisfied with your formal socks. After trying these socks I don´t wear other one. They are excellent for sport and daily use. Super, thank you.
    Hi, Jamal

  • M
    Michael 16. 05. 2017

    I have to wear my shoes at work all day. It was terrible situation. But now when I have got new socks nanosilver I haven´t any problem.
    Hello, Mike.

  • M
    Mary 16. 05. 2017

    My husband had problems with mould and then I bought socks nanosilver and since that he hasn´t had any healthy problems.
    Thanks you.

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