The Clothes nanosilver has proved useful very well.
I´m back from threeweeks long trek, mainly in mountains areas in Cambodia and Vietnam. The Clothes nanosilver has proved useful very well.
Dakar T-shirt was very comfortable and airy in the tropics. Although the weather was very hot, sun was extremely shining and t-shirt´s colour was black, I felt pleasantly in it. The sweaty T-shirt got dry quickly. Due to molecules of silver, I could wear it several days without washing. The t-shirt got dry very quickly after washing too.
I didn´t have any information about throughput of solar radiation, but I didn´t use cream with UV factor and everything was Ok.
Men´s briefs and socks nanosilver are excellent for traveling and dalily use too.
I recommend nanosilver clothes for each traveler.
Have a nice day.
A. J.